Our Services


business advisory & consulting

PractX Consulting Group exists to serve the needs of the C-Suite and help them to utilize practical tools to execute their vision.  We help build strategic plans that can be implemented and executed by the team.  We help guide leaders to develop a dynamic plan, broken down into bite-sized pieces that your company can accomplish in shorter timeframes.


non-senior management development

Personal development tools for non-senior management employees.  Happy, engaged and growing people make great employees.  We offer a set of tools that are designed to engage and grow your employees personally and professionally.

mastermind facilitation

Facilitate and chair CEO and Key-leader roundtables with peers from non-competing industries.  There is nothing more valuable than a mastermind group of peers who have no stake in your company other than to see you win.  These groups hold you accountable to what you say you wan tot accomplish and allow you to be the most successful that you can be. Learn more at www.vistage.com





Are you a CEO? Feeling a bit isolated? Maybe looking to make better, safer decisions? My Vistage CEO Peer Advisory Group can be of assistance to you.