Profile of Mike Duffek, Duffek Construction

Mike Duffek is President of Duffek Construction. He is married to his lovely wife, Kristin and has three children: Luke (15), Madeline (13) and Cody (11).

Here is Mike’s leadership journey in his own words.

I have found that my leadership journey has been that of leading by example.  Through hard work, the drive to be better and genuine compassion for people I have found myself in leadership positions from a young age.  From youth sports and pursuing my MBA all the way to leading Duffek Construction I have realized that success and hard work go hand and hand.  I have also been very fortunate and blessed to have met some incredible people and been given some great opportunities.   Throughout my career I have held titles like project manager and Vice President of Construction, but no matter the position my focus is and always has been to be better each day: to learn more, understand more and care more.  

I asked Mike a series of questions to get to know him better. Below is our dialogue:

Me: What is the favorite part of your work?

Mike: Delivering great projects for great people and organizations. 

Me: What do you value most from your Vistage membership?

Mike: The ability to share and learn with other business leaders.  Sometimes the best answers and ideas for my business come from others- particularly those in my Vistage group.  My Vistage group has challenged me, encouraged me, and overall made me a better business leader.

Me: What book are you currently reading or have most recently read? 

Mike: How to Win Friends and Influence People- Dale Carnegie (recommended by my Vistage Group).

Me: What do you like to do for fun? 

Mike: Spending time with the family, being outdoors (golfing, fishing, hiking, etc) & traveling.

Me: If you could have lunch with any one person, living or dead, who would it be?  (Mike took his liberties here)

Mike: Lunch for fun:  Kevin Hart / Jimmy Fallon  Lunch for Work:  (Disclaimer:  I am fascinated with the production/vision/advancement of the Industrial Revolution):  John Rockefeller / Andrew Carnegie / Henry Ford.  

For more information about Mike and his company, Duffek Construction, please visit his website at Warning: Mike looks like a giant, but he’s a gentle giant.

Andy Weins, Green Up Solutions

Dan Schneck, My First Member