Andy Weins, Green Up Solutions

I remember the day I met Andy like it was yesterday. I am a high energy guy and it is rare that I meet someone who matches or surpasses my energy. I typically find myself slowing down to match others’ energy level. Not so with Andy. It was the 2016 BizExpo where I first met him. He had visited our booth while I was away. A coworker literally tracked me down and told me that I had to meet him.

I’m so glad I did. I remember how excited he was to share his vision for his business with me. We had a follow up meeting and the rest is history, so to speak.

Andy has a six year-old daughter named Penelope. They love going to parks, exploring new trails and spending time with close friends and family. When he is not spending time with Penelope, Andy enjoys playing volleyball, traveling, eating new foods and mentoring others in entrepreneurship.

Andy has an interesting leadership journey. Let’s hear it in his own words. “I'm a fourth generation entrepreneur. I watched my grandfather working his land on his farm and my parents building a business from the ground up. I spent my nights and weekends on the farm, on construction jobsites, and digging around scrap yards. I found the value in all the people, places and products I interacted with whether a person fell on hard times, a building in disrepair or junk thrown out to the curb. I have built my leadership on selflessly serving those around me with a desire to make the world a better place.”

Me: What is the most favorite part of your role?

Andy: My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is the constant desire to push myself and our organization further.  In my current role as a leader at an environmental consulting company I utilize my passion for extracting value to relentlessly pursue better ways to solve problems. Being an early adapter on the leading edge of technology and processes challenges me as a leader within our organization and industry. 

Me: What do you find the most valuable part of your Vistage experience?

Andy: The relationships we are developing is the best part of the Vistage experience. The mountaintop of business ownership or leadership is lonely at times. Being able to look over the horizon to see and speak with fellow leaders is comforting and transformational as I develop in my organization.

Me: What book are you currently reading or have you most recently read?

Andy: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a book I often refer back to when evaluating myself. The lessons challenge me through self reflection and self regulation.

Me: Andy, if you ruled the world, what would that look like?

Andy: I would implement mandatory two years of service for all young people as they graduate high school before entering the workforce, college, an apprenticeship, technical college or other endeavors. Two years to get out of their comfort zone while serving others through civic organizations, humanitarian organizations, ministry / mission trips, healthcare work for those in need, military, refugee operations, or organizations with a higher purpose that serve others. 

Cheryl Sment, Interstate Sealant & Concrete

Profile of Mike Duffek, Duffek Construction