Your Life as a Chinese Bamboo Tree

Leading a skillful life is about being consistent in your actions. Here a little there a little just does not cut it for worthwhile endeavors. If you are not satisfied with where you are in your life, maybe take a look at how consistently you have applied the laws of success.

The Chinese Bamboo Tree is a wonder indeed. In the first four years of its life, you can’t even see it! However, it is growing beneath the soil, digging its roots deep, taking in all the nourishment it needs to become the giant it was meant to be.

Most people will give up at some point along the way. Some may even dig up the soil to see what is the matter with this tree. I mean, come on, four years of watering every day and NOTHING? However, the wise ones know that consistently watering and nurturing the plant will yield great dividends in the long run. Those who quit will never see the wonder that it is. For in the fifth year, that tree will spring up to 90 feet in about six weeks time! Notice when the harvest came. It wasn’t in six weeks, it was the first four years of labor without seeing tangible results that caused this great growth.

Your life is the same way. Success doesn’t happen over night. It takes time for your efforts to compound and manifest. It takes consistent effort and nurturing to bring forth the harvest. You have heard, ‘if it were easy everyone would do it.’ You are not everyone. You are special and you were created for this time in history to make your mark on the world. Make it happen through consistent action in the direction of what you want. Commit to yourself that you will not give up in the middle of your journey.

What specific, consistent action can you take today towards your goals and dreams?

Applying the PDCA Cycle to Anything you want

Do not Quit Short of Your Goal