Principles of Skillful Living Part III

Here are the next two principles that I endeavor to live by daily.

6. You cannot steer a parked car. You have to be in action. I used to suffer from analysis paralysis. I would analyze how the situation is not perfect, therefore, I could not do the thing I wanted to do. Then, someone shared the nugget of wisdom that you cannot steer a parked car. Action cures fear and is the seedling of wisdom. When you put yourself into action, you begin the process of gaining wisdom. You can learn what works and what does not work. When you are in the fray, you can also gain the wisdom of others who are in the fray right next to you.

7. Lesson repeated until lesson learned. Have you noticed that there are certain patterns that seem to repeat in your life? Have you ever stopped to wonder why that might be? Oftentimes, we consult our past defeats to inform us on how we should approach a new situation. This is great if we are looking at it from the standpoint of learning what to do differently this time around. However, if we are looking back at defeat as a way out, then you are doomed to repeat it again. Life is a great teacher. It gives you an open book test every time. Defeat is just a bad memory. Do not give credence to a bad memory. You are a different person than you were then. The circumstance, while similar, are not exact. Come up with a new plan of action and act swiftly.

The final installment will publish tomorrow.

Principles of Skillful Living Part IV

Principles of Skillful Living Part II