Principles of Skillful Living Part I

Millennia ago, wise Sages were held in high regard. Their job was to teach people how to live skillfully. Imagine that! There were people who were charged with helping you to live a skillful and productive life. Of course, we don’t hear of Sages in our day and age, but wouldn’t it be great to have one?

While I am certainly no Sage, I have been blessed to have powerful men and women in my life who shared their life wisdom with me. I would like to share some of those principles with you.

  1. Do not look outside of yourself for completion. Your life will only be as complete as you are. All of the answers that you seek are already inside of you. True, you may need a coach or mentor to help you to see your blind spots and to help you tap into the answers within. The truth really is that you already possess the answers you are looking for.

  2. Run your race. Your race is not my race. Stop comparing yourself to other people. We have a tendency to compare our worst traits to other people’s best traits. This is not healthy and is certainly not an apples to apples comparison. Discover your purpose in life and live your best life in pursuit of it. Ensure you are not being selfish and harming others in your pursuit of happiness. Understand the greater good of what you are pursuing and why. This will keep you focused when troubles come to derail you from your goals.

I hope these help. Part II tomorrow.

Principles of Skillful Living Part II

Easy to do and Easy NOT to do