Principles of Skillful Living Part II

Here is the next installment of skillful living principles that I learned from mentors, coaches, Pastors, etc.

3. Do the right thing…always. You can’t have a truly bright future if you don’t do the right thing. It is a rarity, but I know people who will always do the right thing, even when it is not in their best interest to do so. Most people would not do so. They would only work in their own best interest. These are the takers in the world. They only have use for you when there is something for them to gain. Success at any cost is not success. Success is not a zero sum game. Lasting success is about doing the right thing…always.

4. Face your fears. Most of the things that we fear will never come to pass. Our minds have a funny way of taking everything to the extreme. When we stand up to our fears, we can see them for what they really are—mirages. What I have found in my life is that when I face my fears, they tend to disappear. The longer I allow those fears to fester, the bigger they become in my mind. Before too long, they become monsters. If I address them when they first come up, they are like soft little puppies or kittens—easily overcome.

5. Take responsibility for your actions and your life. Your life is an accumulation of every decision you have made—whether you have assigned them good or bad. Those decisions are what made you the person you are today. I believe that all things work together for my good. When life throws me lemons, somehow lemonade I try not to assign good or bad to a situation. It just is. There is no point in blaming others for your life situation. My motto is if you don’t like where you are in life, do something about it. Playing the blame game only ensures that you will remain deeply entrenched in your current situation.

I hope you can apply some of these principles to your own life. I have more…

Principles of Skillful Living Part III

Principles of Skillful Living Part I