Awake in the Middle of the Night? I get it. It happens all too often…

As an executive coach, I have asked this question (in some form or another) of CEOs and business leaders hundreds or thousands of times over the years. Of course, I am aiming for a figurative type of answer for the main business issue the leader is facing.


Over the past month or so, I have been monitoring my own sleep pattern, as I would often wake up in the middle of the night and would be awake for hours. Once awake, my mind would be racing like crazy about every care you can imagine.

But what woke me up in the first place?!

I came to realize that at least part of it was diet related. Yep, that’s right, what I ingested the day before was causing me to have a poor sleeping pattern. I could literally eat pizza or pasta every day of the week and be a really, happy man. And that was part of my problem.  A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make a lifestyle change. After researching, I found a plan that is easy enough for me to follow and has me eating foods that will force by body to burn fat and eliminate the bloat that was causing me sleep issues. A Keto Plan is what I chose. This may or may not be what’s right for you, but it has worked wonders for me.

As a result, I have the following benefits:

·        Increased energy to an exponential level (it’s no longer a chore to head to the gym five or six days per week)

·        Sleeping like a log! I have gotten a full night’s sleep eight of the nine days that I’ve been on the program!

·        Zero to little bloating (‘nuff said there)

·        Losing inches in the mid-section (who doesn’t like that?)

·        Lost 6.2 lbs. in the first week of the program

Now, I don’t know if diet is what’s keeping you up at night. However, I do know that it’s worth exploring to figure out what wakes you in the middle of the night. Once you pinpoint the problem, you can do something about it.


Dr. Madan Kandula, CEO of Advent

Paul Chawla, COO and Owner of Johnstone Supply