Dr. Madan Kandula, CEO of Advent

Meet Dr. Madan Kandula. Madan is CEO of Advent, a pioneer in the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) field. Its goal is to offer expert care that accommodates not only your needs, but your busy lifestyle as well. Advent knows that if you breathe and sleep well, you will have a more fulfilling, productive life.

Madan and his wife Gwen founded Advent in 2004. They have three wonderful children: Mia (16), Cole (13) and Lola (11). Their family enjoys traveling and learning new things.

Over the course of the last 17 years, Madan has worked every possible job within Advent. His initial role was primarily a physician. Now, as CEO, his role is to oversee the well-being of the company and take it to its highest potential.

From day one to the present, he has been able to lead the organization by setting a vision for the kind of care he wanted to deliver to his patients. That vision forced him to elevate his leadership skill set to make that vision a reality. His Vistage group is helping by challenging him to be a better individual and leader. His naturally contrarian and challenging mindset is shaking up a staid and group-think industry.

Madan loves to read and learn. One of the more recent books he has read is “The Score Takes Care of Itself” by the late, great Hall of Fame football coach Bill Walsh.

If he could change one thing in the world, he would end the current two-party political system that we live under in the United States today.

A Leadership Lesson Learned from a three-year old

Awake in the Middle of the Night? I get it. It happens all too often…